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Integrated features that boost your conversion rate. Deliver the best customer experience.

PIM Solution

Product Information Management

Your tool for the efficient management of all your information relating to your shop, your product repository.

pim solution


Collect data from existing sources such as your ERP or supplier databases.
Centralize all your product information, you can access, search, filter and update data at a given location with a single click.



Enrich product descriptions with technical, usage, logistical and emotional information. Classify products and associate them with one or more catalogs
Translate product information into multiple languages
Control data quality and ensure completeness



Manage multiple sales channels (e-commerce, print, mobile apps, social networks, marketplaces, etc.)
Select the catalog and specific attributes you want to distribute to each channel
Send data to web-to-print software to easily create printed catalogs.

Elastic Search Solution

With its powerful full-text search feature and fast indexing capabilities, our Elasticsearch solution delivers a smooth and efficient user experience.

H360 assists you in making the most of your business's potential by encouraging user interaction, which in turn raises your marketplace's conversion rate.

The integration of Elasticsearch into your website is an E-commerce Suite to manage large amounts of data in a scalable way.

Our commitment to our customers goes beyond simply implementing a solution.

H360 supports you every step of the way, from implementation to excecution, to ensure optimal use of the Elastic Search backoffice.

Our dedicated support team is always on hand to help you get off to a great start.

Integrate our Elastic Search solution and benefit from many advantages:

- Fast and accurate search in real time

- Effective management of unstructured data

- Exceptional scalability to meet changing needs.

- Customizing a dashboard

- Improve user experience

- Make informed decisions with actionable insights.

Our H360 business has a team of experienced experts, leveraging our deep knowledge of Elastic Search to solve your unique business challenges.

Whether for cluster management, query optimization or continuous monitoring, H360 ensures optimal use of our Elastic Search Suite, maximizing its benefits for your organization.

solution recherche intelligente avec H360 the marketplace solution
solution chatbot intelligent avec H360 the marketplace solution

Generative Chatbot AI Solution

Push the boundaries of creativity and innovation with our Artificial Intelligence solution.

By leveraging advanced AI models, H360 gives you a unique ability to customize the customer experience and optimize your website’s ranking on Google by generating content intelligently.

Perform your e-commerce user experience with a new era of creative possibilities with our Generative AI solution.

Beyond technology, our expert team accompanies you in the integration phase and the implementation of our tool and ensures the optimal use of generative AI.

H360 will collaborate with your team to better understand your business goals and create a personalized experience for you.

By adopting our Generative AI solution you will:

-Stimulate innovation with automatic concept generation

- Speed up the creative process

- Unleash the creativity of your team

Whether for content writing, or prototyping, our solution offers significant benefits for your business.

Our specialists at H360 are ready to share their in-depth knowledge and guide you through the practical application of this revolutionary technology.

From understanding algorithmic models to optimizing parameters, our expertise ensures an efficient and innovative use of Generative AI.

Solution Click&Collect

Click and collect is our online ordering solution that brings you closer to your customers!
Offer your products, optimize your sales and develop your business.

Click and Collect is a cross-channel strategy that allows consumers to reserve or order products online then pick them up immediately in a store. It is an action that is part of the web-to-store trend by preparing the customer's physical visit.
Click and Collectis constantly improving and offers ever more innovative services to meet immediate customers' needs for immediacy.
The Click and Collect trend is gaining popularity worldwide as retailers seek new experiences and a wide range of touch points to offer their customers.
In addition, delivery is an important step or online shoppers who are becoming increasingly demanding and impatient.

The steps of this process are quick and easy
1.Purchase online
2.Pay for your order
3.Receive confirmation of the preparation of the order
4. Pick up your order in store
That's it !
Setting up this click and collect service is a response to the new buying behaviors of consumers.
Indeed, the purchasing path has become multiple; the consumer has the choice to be « full store » ( getting information from salesmen), to be « full digital » (buying on the web) but he can also do a mix of both: this is what we call ROPO behavior(Research Online, Purchase Offline).
Their main motivations are price, time saving and the possibility to compare offers.
We accompany any company wishing to turn to Click and Collect in order to deploy the appropriate resources :
  • Equip the company with a software or an internal application adapted to the follow-up of the order
  • Provide the user with a reservation support
  • Ensure the follow-up of the order
  • Promote the best possible communication between the different departments
  • Facilitate the consumer's journey on the website when he/she chooses an in-store pick-up
  • Favour the comfort and the customer experience of the consumer by giving him the most precise availability time possible for the withdrawal of his order.
  • Ensure that stocks and availability are updated in real time so that pick-up times are respected.
  • Propose several choices of relay stores
  • Promote the free delivery costs for a pick-up in a store for this type of order.
A complete E-commerce platform


Your customers order on your app and collect their order in your store


Modify your card in real time from your computer or your smartphone, manage your stocks automatically or create promotional codes to motivate your customers to (re)order from you (price or % reduction).


Directly on your cash register or on an Android tablet, consult the order history


With the integrated identification, your customer identifies himself only once. After that, they are immediately recognized each time they launch the application. Order instructions Your customers can leave a comment on their order


Propose to your customers to renew in 1 click an order already made.


Facilitate the shopping experience of your customers and allow them to pay outside the application to reach a wider audience. Access the most efficient Chekout on the web: Digital Wallets. The customer journey is so optimized that it boosts your conversion rate.


Set up your delivery zones by zip code and offer fast delivery to your local customers.


Create delivery time slots and give your customers a choice of how they want to receive their order.


Give a quick overview of your different points of sale and simplify the shopping experience for your customers


Automatic, fully configurable push notifications and emails are sent to your customers at each step of the ordering process

For an effective commercial site, it is necessary to have a memorable personalized graphic charter accompanied by a remarkable accessibility with the different browsers and tools (Responsive Design charter that adapts to the different screens: PC, tablet, smartphone...).

Optimizing its referencing from its conception is also essential to ensure a good visibility on search engines.

Our agency puts at your disposal reactive Prestashop experts to help you solve your problems, set up your Click&Collect functionality or implement a security patch on your e-commerce site.

catalogue en ligne h360 the marketplace solution
solution picking h360 the marketplace solution

Solution Delivery

The online ordering solution that brings you closer to your customers. 

Our Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution enables brands to deploy and manage their same-day delivery service through their retail outlets. They reduce transportation time and logistics costs, and their customers benefit from an unparalleled shopping experience. Offer Express by H360 delivery to deliver your e-commerce customers immediately on the same day, or in the time slot of their choice wherever you have stores.

Quick and easy to set up, our solution allows you to boost your conversion rate and build customer loyalty .

Our solution, specially designed for omnichannel retailers, allows you to simply manage and control deliveries from all your stores through a single platform.

A single integration to our solution is enough to deploy your activity everywhere you have stores.

All this, without breaking any of your commitments: you keep the transport providers you want, where you want.


Track the status of your deliveries at any time.


A dedicated team to make your customer experience perfect.


Measure the quality, trends and impact of service on your business

Benefits for your business :


You have the ability to reach customers outside your business.


Our module allows you to avoid intermediaries, you remain the only interlocutor
Build customer loyalty with an innovative service that is increasingly valued, by highlighting your special offers
Follow your activity with detailed statistics (average basket, best day, turnover...)
Build a customer file with the history of orders.

Benefits for your customers :

An access to their favorite business from their home.
A great flexibility of payment online, on delivery or on collection of the order.
A confirmation received by e-mail or sms when the order is confirmed.

E-commerce integration

Our API (Application programmig interface) integrates easily with your e-commerce site.
Your customer simply chooses his delivery slot without ever leaving your site.
Real-time stock check, selection of the store from which to send the order, the API offers you a range of possibilities qthat fit perfectly with the type of your business.
You can also configure a callback URL to make all this information accessible directly from your site.
Signature, photos, comments, time-stamped status at each delivery stage, etc. are available at all times for your peace of mind and that of your customers.

Seamless customer experience

Through our platform you can decide which notifications will be sent to your customers: SMS and emails including your HTML...

A white label tracking page

To perfect the experience of your customers and accompany them in real time in the follow-up of their deliveries, integrate our tracking URL to your notifications. This white label and fully responsive page allows your customers to follow the progress of the delivery person, to access a FAQ as well as the contact information of your customer service.
This reduces the number of phone calls to your teams to inform your customers about the status of their deliveries.

Multi-vendor solution

We accompany you in your project of creation of market place with a solution of marketplace turn-key. Marketplaces are e-commerce sites that benefit from a great notoriety and allow you to display your catalog in exchange for a percentage of your sales. Marketplaces means reaching millions of cyber shoppers. Whether in C2C , B2C (professionals to individuals) or B2B , the notion of marketplace contains great promises.
  • Universal promotion and distribution of products
  • Junction between customers and sellers from all horizons
  • Reduction of inventory management and delivery costs (handled individually by each seller)
  • Expansion of the product catalog by opening the e-commerce site to third-party sellers
  • Gain a foothold in a market.
The challenges of the marketplace differ from those of traditional e-commerce. But a good positioning, a good market study and an optimized SEO remain key elements for the success of a marketplace. Choosing H360 for the deployment of your marketplace is to avoid launching yourself blindly into a complex business. It is the choice of security at all levels :
  • launch
  • transactions
  • success
  • sustainability
Our scalable, modular & customizable marketplace solution is designed to easily interconnect with other software, whether external or developed in-house by our customers. A rich ecosystem of technological and business partners :
  • Payment flow aggregator
  • Customization of your customer paths...
  • All of them facilitate the implementation of your project:
  • Delivery management
  • Order management
  • Catalog management
  • Vendor management
  • Payment management
  • After sales service management
Thanks to the tools set up by H360, you centralize all the orders and stocks in one place to facilitate the management of your marketplace activity. You can concentrate on your core business and delegate to us the total responsibility of this distribution channel.
Marketplaces can become real audience hubs by centralizing the offer on a single digital space. But, on a daily basis and in the long term, the deployment of a marketplace requires support on several aspects:


We put in place, for you, all our commercial and technical expertise to correctly integrate your products on the Marketplaces. Whether or not your products have an EAN code, or a size/color variation we have a solution for every problem.


You have resellers? We take this element into account in order to set up an adapted strategy allowing to control the image of your products on the Marketplaces.


The Marketplaces pull up the e-commerce thanks to their commercial power by offering for sale the products of other merchants rather than competing with them.


A new sales channel sometimes represents additional work to be integrated. Thanks to our expertise, we set up solutions to centralize the maximum of flows (orders, stock, prices...) in the same place with an accompaniment on the various processes in order to make you save time.

Working hand in hand, our objective will be to anticipate bad indicators as much as possible, to adapt the distribution of the catalog on each marketplace and to optimize the source flow in the expected format, taking into account all the imperatives of structure and quality of the data.


Your products are the basis of the collaboration, we must know and master your commercial, technical and competitive environment and your different strategies in order to determine the right positioning of your products on the Marketplaces. An action plan will be set up after the Product Focus.


We are able to accompany you from A to Z from the creation phase of your products to their distribution thanks to our technical knowledge. We have the expertise on Prestashop, Magento, cwhich allows us to have a speed in the exchange of data (export products, orders, update price / stock ...). We set up and optimize for you the Lengow, Shoppingflux, Neteven and other technical platforms in order to have the right segmentation, we make for youthe Lengow/Shopping flux migrations.


Because the primary objective is to sell, it is important to make the catalog « live », by relaying promotions, by participating in commercial operations of marketplaces, or national operations such as Sales, Black Friday, etc. We have the tools to help you benefit from product highlights, maximum visibility on these sales channels and develop your turnover: Flash sales, discounts, newsletters, banners are our daily business.


Our mission of accompaniment to the referencing on the marketplaces is articulated finally on the key performance indicators (KPI) which are very important for the survival of a merchant on the Marketplaces. It's about checking that the products are well online, and that the catalog is correctly valued.
h360 the marketplace solution accompagnement
solution marketing digital H360 the marketplace solution

Digital Marketing Solution

Delve in the dynamic world of digital marketing with our complete solution.

Whether you are a growing start-up or an established business, our H360 company offers a tailored digital marketing strategy to maximize your online visibility and drive your business growth.

At H360, our team of dedicated digital marketing experts is ready to guide you every step of the way.

From planning targeted campaigns to optimizing performance, we offer personalized support to ensure that your digital strategy meets its objectives.

Maximize your return on investment with ongoing strategic support.

H360 with our digital marketing solution allows you to:

- Reach a wide audience through different online channels

- Accuracy of online advertising campaigns

- Measure results in real time, adjust campaigns quickly, and maximize the impact of every dollar invested

- Engage and interact with potential customers

With H360’s team of digital marketing experts, gain a deep understanding of market trends, search algorithms and best practices.

Whether you’re looking to improve your SEO, develop a content strategy, or harness the power of paid advertising, our expert team will help you position yourself ahead of the competition.

Picking Solution

Our solution for the management and preparation of your orders in-house in your Drive spaces. Follow and assign tasks instantly with your agents. Offer your products, optimize your sales and develop your business.

Picking Dashboard analytics

A simple dashboard presenting statistics related to the performance of the agents, and the follow-up of the orders (in progress, completed).

Picking task management

A back-office that facilitates the management of agent roles, the assignment of roles and the assignment of tasks for the preparation of orders.

Picking Mobile Application

Dedicated application for agents with a unique identifier for each one. By logging in, he can proceed to the picking tunnel until delivery.


Configure your online articles and promotions in desktop and mobile versions.


Have instant visibility on the status of your orders via a back-office.


Manage the preparation of your orders, assign them and ensure their picking.
dashboard solution picking des commandes
  • The agency : 61 Avenue du Roule 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

2024 – All rights reserved – The DOTIT Group